Custom ID Badges

Custom ID badges are an easy way to ensure proper identification of individuals, and ensure the security of the location. Badges make it easier for members of an organization to identify each other, and can be customized toallow for different options, to improve security or function.

Smart Cards, magnetic strips, or bar codes can be implemented into the ID badges for a number of reasons. One of the best uses for these technologies is improving security. Each card can be registered for specific security allowances, and only authorized individuals will be able to use their card to enter areas. The cards can also be tied to specific accounts, allowing them to be used for expenses or other areas where specific tracking of individuals in detail is needed.

Cards can also be personalized to a great degree, with custom artwork and designs. Names, ID numbers, or other important information can also be thermally printed onto the card, making it easy to ensure that needed information is available on the cards in a clear and easy to read format. This also ensures that the information is durable, and less likely to fade over the life of the card.

The cards themselves are made from strong PVC, which is strong, durable, and made to last. This strength gives the card a long life span, which is even more important if the card is to be cut with a hole for lanyard attachment, which would compromise the strength of any lesser material.

The cards maintain their strength without losing the appearance of professionalism. The custom design services make it easy to ensure that the cards are both professional in appearance and made to last. Artwork can also be used in place of professional design services if quality is needed on a budget.

Overall, custom ID badges are both helpful and functional in the workplace. They allow for not only greater security, but a greater sense of community among members of a workplace. The many options available, as well as the durability of the cards, make for a great investment to boost productivity in the workplace.

Fast Print 2010 A division of Earth First.